
Saranac Foreign Attendance

Braedli-Wyss, Dr. Med C. Burgdorf, Switzerland  
Broch, Dr. Cato Aslvik, Hardanger
Forguson, Dr. G. The University of Glasgow
Glasgow, Scotland
Fletcher, Chass., M.D. Cardiff, Wales  
Gough, J., M.D. Cardiff, Wales Depends on sponsoring of his visit.
Hampe, Dr. Jan F. Municipal University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Hugh-Jones, Philip, M.C. Reader in Medicine
University College of the West Indies
Monta St. Andrew, Jamica, B.W.I.
Merewether, E.R.A., M.D. H.M. Senior Med. Inspector of factories
Ministry of Labor & Natl. Services
St. James Square
London S.W.L, England
Mey, A.V.M, M.C. Chief, Silicosia Research
Netherlands, Coalmines
Branseum, Holland
Orenstein, Dr. A.J. Chief Medical Officer
Rand Mines, Ltd.
P.O. Box 1056
Johannesburg, S.A.
Oyanguren, Hernan, M.D. 408 Union Americana St.
Santiago, Chile
Vera, Dr. Minguel Cia. Minera de Penoles, S.A.
416 de Matamoros St.,
Apartado 251
Monterrey, M.L. Mexico